Evolved Going to Editor in February

the-path-the-journey-1536250-639x852I’m very excited to announce that in February the manuscript will go to David Cathcart for editing. The professional feedback will hopefully allow me to publish the manuscript later this year. Still undecided whether I will self-publish or follow a more traditional route. To help with this decision, I have requested a meeting with agent Rachel Letofsky at The Muse and The Marketplace at the end of April. (If anyone doubts my seriousness, these dates conflict directly with Masters Nationals and thus I am not swimming in them this year)

As a brief history, about two years ago KL Pereira from Grub Street read through my work and provided invaluable feedback that was woven into the story. Around the same time, one the ministers at my church, John Allen, read through the manuscript and offered multiple spiritual and religious texts that described the scientific concepts I had presented in the book (quite shocking, really). Last year, three beta readers, Susanna Baird, Rob Klink and Chris Grossman read through it and provided additional feedback. Each of these people have provided invaluable feedback, for which I am eternally thankful.

Now that all this feedback has been worked in, it is time to hire a proper editor, clean it up and send it out into the world.

My journey with the Evolved manuscript is nearing an end. The path with the Evolved novel lies ahead. Even if it sells only a few copies, the experience has been well worth it.


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