Who Am I?

Image courtesy of Arvind Balaraman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Arvind Balaraman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Who am I? Good question, I am trying to figure that out as well.

Here are a few titles I hold, or have held: Father, Husband, Son, Swimmer, Harvard Graduate, Wall Street Analyst, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Stay At-Home Dad (SAHD), Sprague PTO President, Wellesley Recreation Commissioner. I’ve been called better names, and most definitely worse. Part of this journey is figuring out who I am, and learning about You.

One point to make clear. When referring to “I” it refers not so much to my “self” or ego (although this ego absolutely appears on this website). It refers to a deeper truth that is much more true and harder to discover. It is the essence of a person when ego and delusions associated with objects in our world are stripped away. A former hospice worker with whom I spoke observed that the spirituality of a person comes closer to the surface near death, no matter what religion they followed during life. It is to that inner self that “I” refers.

The “You” refers to your inner essence, not the object portrayed to the world. Most of our interactions focus so heavily on the object, including body, face, mannerisms, and social status. Our society is built on these objects, drive it forward. A deeper interaction where two people begin to really “see” one another is difficult and rare in our western culture. In these deeper relationships one cannot help but care for the other, exhibit compassion and love for the other. The bonds by seeing the “You” in each other represent the path to happiness and fulfillment, and what I hope to find.

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