Changing Seasons

All Because of You

My life is changing
The life that I’ve had
It’s changing forever
But no need to be sad

It’s time to move on
Time to start over new
I jumped from the nest
With some trouble, I flew

I might hit a few bumps
Maybe make a wrong turn
But all of those troubles
Are lessons I’ll learn

So as my life changes
I hope that you’ll see
It’s you who I’ll credit
For the life that I lead



You are ever present of the changing seasons when living in New England. The Fall is filled with glorious yellows, reds and oranges as the leaves change color and cover the ground. A frost on the grass reminded us this morning that winter is not far behind.

A transformation has been happening within me as well, complete with explosive colors and chills. The world around me seems to mirror what is happening inside, an odd meeting of the objective and subjective I discussed in my last post.

My life is about to change course, I know. Towards what, I’m not exactly sure.

The first sign was this morning in church. A beloved minister is moving on to another church. The sermon focused on change, and how it has led to good things.

The next mile post is later this week, when we travel to a memorial service for a man who was a father figure to me. I have the honor of master of ceremonies, which scares me more than a little. Holding it together will be hard because imagining this world without him is difficult. A change in my reality.

The following week I begin a new job, my first real job in about eight years. It is only part time and flexible, allowing me to drop-off and pick-up my daughters from school and all their activities. At this point in my life, flexibility to spend time with my girls is what I value most. Shed what is hindering you and protect what is important.

The new job is something I believe in, something important in my eyes, something that complements the rest of my life. The extra money will take some of the financial pressure off my wife and provide a source of income to cover publishing expenses. For if there is one thing I’ve learned so far about the business of books, it is expensive to launch yourself. (Barriers to entry, as my old CFA self would call it)

Driven is not the right word to describe the change. More openness to it. Allowing it to happen. Not trying to direct it so much as listening intently to where the signs point.

So a new road with many new people to meet and understand. I look forward to meeting You in my future, and experiencing the on-going change.