On the Precipice of Transformation

Photo of Wendell Lim Ph. D.

Programming Immune Cells has seemingly reached a tipping point in which viable business models are popping up, a thrilling development when one considers the possibility of eliminating many of the deadly diseases that shorten human life. We may stand at the start of a massive new industry, one that consumes traditional healthcare practices while lengthening and improving life on the planet.

Consider the early development of software languages, like A-0 and Speedcode, in the 1940’s and 1950’s, and how much they matured over the next six or seven decades. Humanity may evolve dramatically over the next few decades as increasingly sophisticated genetic programming languages are developed, coupled with quantum computing, essentially transforming organic life into a more synthetic life form.

At the other end, AI continues to push the bounds of human reasoning, developing its own unique thought patterns. As AI matures and grows in complexity, the intelligence and even creativity of AI likely challenges the dominance of organic intelligence.

Will there be a type of arms race between organic and synthetic intelligence, with both evolving and transforming in ways unimaginable to us today?

If yes, what lies on the other side of this transformation? A Utopia in which we transform into a higher collective consciousness, free from material constraints and desires? A Matrix-like farm of organic material plugged into a network, or a morally corrupt society, as laid out in Evolved, pressured to advance in order to overcome its own self-created crises?